CIT Bank

  • Tools used:
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Javascript / jQuery
  • Middleman

An award-winning online bank full of fun, color, and financial expertise.

Screenshot of CIT Bank desktop view.
Screenshot of CIT Bank desktop view.
Screenshot of CIT Bank mobile view.
Screenshot of CIT Bank mobile view.

As this project got underway, I was so excited to be able to lead a small team to success on a 100+ page static site. I chose Middleman App as the generator and had a lot of fun and learned a lot about .erb and a little about Ruby helpers and such.

It was a very exciting time in the Spring/Summer of 2014–support for IE8 was offically kaput. This meant I could drop icon fonts and PNGs and reaplce them with SVGs! How cool! I learned a lot about the ins-and-outs of SVG regarding browser compatibility and quirks.

I played the part of site architect and senior developer. I built out a style guide and put plans in place for the team to produce all the asked-for pages in a short amount of time.

One of the coolest things going on on this site is something I barely helped on, if at all, actually. A really smart teammate wrote a function that transforms these comparison tables into dropdown accordions at a certain breakpoint. HTML Semantics and Responsive Web Design! It just works.

Getting this website complete was a roller-coaster ride including project stalls, content delays, and iteration after iteration. In the end we delivered an award-winning website that helps a lot of people make wise investment decisions.