The Sugar List


Dangers and Realities

Symptoms that sugar consumption can cause: hives, rashes, itch, swelling, redness of the skin, bladder shrinkage leading to bedwetting, tension, anxiety, depression, headaches, hallucinations, changes in behavior.

Diseases that sugar consumption can cause: diabetes, coronary disease, obesity, peptic ulcer, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, appendicitis, cholecystitis, pyelitis, diverticulitis, kidney stones, skin conditions, dental issues and mental illness

Cancer feeds on sugar.

Each time you eat sugar your immune system is compromised for 6 hours.

Sugar is so detrimental to your body because it does not have to be digested. It goes straight into the blood stream. Your brain cannot handle this sugar in the blood stream so the body goes into overtime gathering up the sugar to protect the brain.

Like a drug, sugar will literally damage your brain if it is allowed to reach the brain. The refined sugar has no nutrients or value of its own. The body uses vitamins, minerals and other things to process all things consumed. If the food itself does not contain any of these things then the body steals from itself in order to process the sugar. This “stealing” leaves a deficit in the body which leads to disease.

Sugar is highly addictive.

Because sugar is addictive and it brings a temporary feeling of comfort, manufacturers put it in everything so that you become addicted to their food.

They use multiple kinds of sugar because they are required by law to list ingredients by weight in the order of amount. That way, sugar is not the first ingredient.

Sugar withdrawals resemble the withdrawals from cocaine and heroin.

Carbohydrates are broken down by the body to make glucose which is the fuel the body operates on. Simple carbohydrates are refined foods (white sugar, white flour, cookies, candies, soda, energy drinks, concentrated fruit juice) and are bad for you because they don’t contain the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, beans and veggies are good because they take longer to digest which means your blood sugar doesn’t spike and then fall.

Thus, your energy level stays even. Also, complex carbs are full of vitamins and minerals, enzymes, protein and fiber. They provide what your body needs and fill you up and satisfy you.